The Executive Council is the executive body of the Association and consists of 7 members including the President and the Secretary-General. All members of the Executive Council are elected by the Assembly by secret ballot with the absolute majority of voters and serve three-year terms. The last election took place in November 2023.
Cinzia Di Novi is an Associate Professor in Public Economics at the Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia. She is currently on leave, to serve as Quantitative Policy Analyst on Impact Evaluation at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (Ispra) – Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation. She obtained the Bachelor’s in Political Science in 2003 from the University of Eastern Piedmont, the Master of Arts in Economics from the Consortium for Research and Continuing Education in Economics (CORIPE) in 2004 and a PhD in Economics in 2008 from the “Vilfredo Pareto” PhD School (Collegio Carlo Alberto & University of Turin). Prior to the University of Pavia, she worked as an assistant professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Department of Economics. She is also an External Member of the HEDG (Health, Econometrics and Data Group), Centre for Health Economics, University of York, a Member of the Scientific Committee of the “Advance Pharmaco & Health Economics” (APHEC) Research Centre, University of Genoa. She has been an elected member of the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES)’s Steering Committee for two mandates (2014-2017 and 2020-2023). From 2020 she is also Board Member of the Society of Economics of the Household (SEHO). During her PhD, in 2007, she spent several months as a visiting student in the Department of Human Health at the Agency for Healthcare Research Quality, Rockville, MD (US) where she carried out an in-depth study of health insurance and the problems associated with adverse selection. In 2011 she was awarded with the Alan Williams fellowship by the Centre for Health Economics, University of York to work on the project “Flexible Working Conditions, Fixed-term Contracts and their Influence on Employee Psychological Well-being”. From 2008 to 2010 in the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology at Turin University, she contributed to the project “Towards a Formalin free Hospital” and was a member of the Technical Team of Health Technology Assessment at the Città della Salute (Turin). In 2019 she was a visiting professor at the Paris School of Economics. Her main research interests are in health economics, the economics of aging, policy evaluation and applied micro-econometrics.
Her research papers have been published in international journals such as Health Economics, Health Policy, European Journal of Health Economics, Economics and Human Biology, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Fiscal Studies, Economic Modelling, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization .
Cristina Elisa Orso is a senior Assistant Professor in Public Economics at the Department of Law, Economics and Cultures of the University of Insubria. Previously, she was Junior Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Verona, and Research Fellow at the Department of Economics of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice where she collaborated in the SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) project. As part of this project, Cristina investigated different Long-term care schemes in the European context. Since 2017 she is member of the Scientific Committee of CF Applied Economics (Center for Analysis and Research in Applied Economics) of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Cristina has completed her PhD in Economic Policy at the Catholic University of Milan in 2013. During the PhD she spent a year as visiting student at the Pompeu Fabra University (Department of Economic and Business) in Barcelona; she came back as visiting post-doc in 2014 in the same Department, in order to work on a project on gender inequalities in the Spanish labour market.
Her main research interests are in the fields of health economics, migration, gender and economics of ageing. She published her research in international journals such as Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Health Economics.
Elisabetta Notarnicola is an Associate Professor of Practice in Government, Health and Not for Profit at SDA Bocconi School of Management. At SDA Bocconi she is involved in many executive education initiatives dealing with the health and social care sectors, and more specifically: service design, network management, integrated care, social innovation. At CERGAS she is the coordinator of the research area Social Policy and Social Innovation and of the Observatory on Long Term Care. Her research interests revolve mainly around social care policies and more specifically around policy planning and policy-making, network management and coordination between the social and health care sectors. Her research focuses on two areas in particular: services for the non-self-sufficient, a topic on which she has conducted numerous national and international comparative research projects and innovation in social services, with a special focus on the themes of the design of services and impact evaluation of welfare policies and services. Her research also includes the area of accounting, with two specializations: financial and economic performance measurement in healthcare companies and the use of accounting information in decision-making processes and evidence based policy making. At Università Bocconi she teaches in the course Public Accounting and Performance Management.She has written several books on policies and services for dependent elderly people in Italy and Europe («Il welfare e la Long Term Care in Europa», Egea 2014; various editions of the Long Term Care Observatory Report) as well as numerous articles published nationally on the themes of welfare and social policies. She is also the author of a book on social innovation in welfare services (“Il cambiamento nel welfare locale. Lezioni per il riposizionamento dei servizi pubblici”, Egea 2019). She makes regular contributions to the OASI Report (Observatory on Healthcare Organizations and Policies in Italy). She has also written international papers which have been published in journals such as Social Policy & Administration Health Services Management Research. She is a member of IRSPM and EGPA, a chartered public accountant and statutory auditor. She holds an MSc in Management of Public Administration and International Organizations from Università Bocconi and a PhD in Management and Innovation from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.
Giorgia Marini is an Assistant Professor in Public Economics at the Department of Juridical and Economic Studies of La Sapienza University of Rome, and an external affiliate of the Health Econometric and Data Group (HEDG) of the University of York and of the European Health Policy Group (EHPG). She obtained the Bachelor’s in Economics in 2000 from La Sapienza University of Rome, the Master of Arts in Economics and Econometrics in 2001 and a PhD in Economics in 2005 from the University of Rome Tor Vergata. She was a Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York (UK) from 2005 to 2009, then a Research Fellow at the University of Rome Tor Vergata from 2010 to 2012. She was Visiting Research Student at the Department for Financial and Management Studies of the University of London (UK) from 2002 to 2004, Visiting Professor at the Department of Management of Imperial College Business School London (UK) in 2015 and Visiting Scholar at the Center on Health Policy/Center on Primary Care and Outcomes Research (CHP/PCOR) of Stanford University (CA, USA) from 2015 to 2016. Her research interests lie in health economics and public economics. Her work is published in International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Economics & Human Biology, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Health Economics, Policy and Law, Health Policy, Economics Bulletin, Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, Health Economics, Journal of Health Organisation and Management. She regularly serves as referee for numerous international journals on health economics topics. She has been and is a member of numerous national and international projects. She is a member of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA), the UK Health Economists’ Study Group (HESG), the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES), the Italian Society of Public Economics (SIEP) and the Italian Society of Economics, Demography and Statistics (SIEDS). She is editor of the Public Finance Research Papers series of the Department of Juridical and Economic Studies at La Sapienza University of Rome and was Guest Editor of the Special Issue ‘Health Economics and Econometrics’ published in the International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics. She will host the next AIES annual conference at the Department of Juridical and Economic Studies of La Sapienza University of Rome.
Domenico Lisi is Senior Assistant Professor in Economic Policy at the Department of Economics and Business of the University of Catania, and external affiliate of the Health Econometric and Data Group (HEDG) of the University of York. He obtained the Bachelor’s in Economics (2005) and the Master of Arts in Economics (2007) at the University of Catania, the Master of Science in Economics (2009) at the University College London, and the PhD in Public Economics at the University of Catania (2011). He has been Research Assistant and Junior Assistant Professor of Economic Policy at the Department of Economics and Business of the University of Catania. His research interests include health economics, labour economics and economics of public services. His papers have been published in high rated scientific journals such as Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Health Economics, Social Science & Medicine, Journal of Cultural Economics. He regularly acts as a referee for several international journals on topics of health economics. He has been member of national and international research projects, and he is currently Principal Investigator (PI) of a national project (funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research -PRIN) on topics of health economics, and a local project (funded by the University of Catania)on topics of economics of public services. He is member of the Doctoral Scientific Committee of the PhD in Economics, Management, and Decision Making of the Department of Economics and Business of the University of Catania.
Anna Prenestini is an Associate Professor of Business Administration and Health Care Management at the Department of Economics, Management, and Quantitative Methods (DEMM) of the University of Milan. She is the founder and member of the board of directors of the Milan School of Management (MISOM); member of the steering committee of the Center for Research and Higher Education in Health Administration (HEAD). Furthermore, in 2020 she was the founder of the master’s degree in Management of Healthcare Organizations and the Health Sector (MASS). She is member of the board of professors of the Ph.D. in Public Health Sciences. From 2005 to 2020 she was Professor at the SDA Bocconi School of Management and a researcher at CeRGAS Bocconi. In 2013 she was a visiting professor at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Her research areas focus on the management of healthcare organizations, in particular: strategy and strategic control, performance management, organizational structures and change management, operations management and patient flow logistics, organizational culture, and clinician engagement.
She is the author of over 70 scientific publications, over 35 presentations at national and international academic conferences, and over 30 invited lectures. Her research works have been published in Health Care Management Review, Health Policy, Public Management Review, BMC – Health Services Research, Value in Health, Health Services Management Research, Journal of Healthcare Management, International Journal of Public Sector Management, and in national scientific journals such as Mecosan and Economia & Management.
She has been co-editor of Mecosan since 2011, Associate Editor and Editorial Administrator of Health Services Management Research since 2016, and Academic Editor of PLOS One since 2022. She was a member of the Executive Council of AIES for the three-year period 2020-2023. For her scientific activity, she received several awards: in 2012 she won the “Best International Paper” award from the Healthcare Division of the Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, US; in 2013 an award for the dissemination of scientific research from ScienceDirect (top downloaded paper for “Value in Health”); in 2014 and 2016 the “Research Award” of CERGAS Bocconi; in 2015 the “Best paper award in Healthcare Management” of the Italian Association of Health Economics (AIES); in 2017 the best poster award from SOPSI conference; in 2019 the excellence in research award from DEMM, University of Milan. She graduated in Economics of Public Administrations and International Institutions at Bocconi University in 2005 and had a PhD in Economics and Management in Healthcare from the “Magna Graecia” University of Catanzaro in 2010.
Francesca Ferrè is senior Assistant Professor in Economics and Business Management at the Management and Health Laboratory (MeS lab), Management Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa. Graduated from Bocconi in Economics and Management of Public Administrations and International Institutions, in 2015 she obtained a PhD in Business Economics from the University of Parma after obtaining the Master of Research from ESADE Business School in Barcelona. She began her research activity at CERGAS Bocconi where she collaborated with WHO/European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies overseeing the publication of the HiT country profile for Italy (2014 edition). Between 2016 and 2021 she was a research fellow and subsequently junior assistant professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa in sustainability and quality of care in public health systems.
Current research interests concern the development and implementation of performance measurement and management systems in healthcare and governance systems with reference to the integration of care into complex care pathways. She has published related studies in international journals including Healthcare Management Review, Health Policy, BMC Health Service Research, European Journal of Health Economics, PlosOne, Health Services Management Research, International Journal of Health Planning and Management, and Journal of Medical Internet Research. In 2018 she won the AIES award for the best paper in the healthcare management with the contribution “Explaining performance in healthcare: how and when top management competencies make the difference”.
At MeS lab she coordinates the performance evaluation system of Healthcare Tuscany and the Network of Regions. She participates in inter-university projects such as E3 for Health- Data-driven Elicitation, Explanation, and Enhancement of Healthcare systems (PRO3, D.M.289/2021) and Growing Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable (GRINS spoke 2) funded by Next Generation EU and is scientific responsible for the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of the H2020 project “Support4Resilience”. She is a member of the PhD teaching staff in Health Science, Technology and Management of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and of the Doctorate of National Interest in Life Course Research (coordinator of the University of Florence).
In 2019 she was part of the organizing committee of the AIES National Conference and for the three-years period 2020-2023 she was Secretary General of AIES.
The Board of Auditors is made up of three effective members elected by the Assembly. They remain in charge for three years and can be re-elected. The Auditors supervise the administration of the Association, checking its accounts and reporting to the Assembly.
Stefano Calciolari is an Associate Professor in Business Administration at the Department of Economics Management and Statistics (DEMS) of the University of Milan-Bicocca. He holds a Master in Public Administration from the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs of Syracuse University (USA) and a PhD in Public Administration from the University of Parma. He has been Assistant Professor in Healthcare Management at the University of Italian Switzerland, Adjunct Professor at the University of Valle d’Aosta and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, and Post-doctoral researcher and CERGAS research fellow at Bocconi University of Milan. He had been senior research fellow at the Menzies Center for Health Policy and Economics at the University of Sydney.
His research interests concern the management of innovation in personal services, performance management, and the economic evaluation of technologies, with the healthcare sector as a privileged field of application. Recently, he has started working on the assessment of ESG practices in the pharmaceutical sector. He has published contributions in national and international journals (Social Science & Medicine, Public Management Review, Health Care Management Review, Mecosan, PLOS ONE, European Journal of Health Economics, etc.) and in books resulting from international collaborations.
He has been a member and work package leader in national and international projects, as well as principal investigator of competitive grants and action research projects. He founded the SIG “Healthcare” at the International Research Society of Public Management (IRSPM), he had been an auditor for the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES) during the years 2019-2023 and, previously, at the nursing home of his first city of residence.
Lucia Leporatti is an Associate Professor in Public Economics at the Department of Economics of the University of Genoa. She obtained the Master of Science in Economics at the Vrije University (Amsterdam) and, in 2015, the PhD in Public Economics at the University of Genoa. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the APHEC Study and Research Center and Director (since 2021) of the Advanced Course in Health Economics, Pharmacoeconomics and Healthcare Technologies (APHEC). Her research interests include health economics, public economics, and the redistributive impact of public policies. She has been a member of various national and international research projects on health economics, with particular reference to the topics of demographic aging, the economic impact of chronic conditions, and health inequalities. She is currently coordinator (PI) of a PRIN project “Shaping urban and rural contexts for healthier lives: environment as a key driver for promoting health ” and of a research project funded by the Liguria Region on GDP forecasts at regional level. She is also responsible for Genoa local unit for a PRIN project on telemedicine. She is a Member of Doctoral Scientific Committee of the PhD in Economics and Political Economy of the Department of Economics of the University of Genoa. She has published several scientific articles in Italian and international journals (including Health Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, European Journal of Health Economics, Regional Studies, The Journal of Economic Inequality, Health Policy, Papers in Regional Science).
Guido Noto is an assistant professor in Performance Management at the Department of Economics, University of Messina. In 2016, he received his PhD degree in “Models for Performance Improvement in the Public Sector” from the University of Palermo. Between 2017 and 2019, he was a research fellow at the Management and Healthcare Laboratory of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa. His research interests are related to the design and implementation of performance measurement and management systems in healthcare and the measurement of the economic and financial performance of healthcare organizations and systems. He has published in leading international journals including Health Policy, Management Decision, Public Money and Management and International Journal of Public Sector Management, Health Service Management Research, etc. In 2019 and 2022, he served on the organizing committee of the AIES National Conference. Since 2023, he is principal investigator of the PRIN project “Furthering performance measurement and management systems in healthcare through new digital technologies.” Since 2015, he has been licensed as a Chartered Accountant and Auditor. He had been an auditor for the Italian Health Economics Association (AIES) during the years 2019-2023.